09 December 2007

Snapshots from the Olde Country

in the village of epworth

cemetery outside chapel in ewporth

same cemetery...slightly different vantage point

wales and myself got along pretty swell...


Aimee said...

Wow! Lovin' your pictures...

Aimee said...

Wow! Lovin' your pictures...

Jodi said...

Also random....about the mustache cache...my suggestion-

Stick the smallest one you have(the "hitler" prehaps?) between your eyebrows. Why? Why ask why...just go with it!

If you are at a loss for places to wear them- think outside the box.
1. Chuckey Cheese
2. Playgrounds
3. Jogging...make sure to wear a sweat band though. Sweating can wreck havoc on the sticky side of those mustache's (don't ask me how I know this...)
4. Go Christmas caroling. No friends will go along? No problem, trust me, you don't need compadres when you have a humdinger mustache.